. . . . . ..Temple Academies . . . . . . .


Temple Academies is Home to Three Energy Systems: Helix Energy Systems - Omega Shakti - Temple ReiKi. 

The above systems are used  for differing types of restoration, vitalizing and organization and balance. They address in the order named,  the auric field, the core energy channels within, and the meridians just under the surface.

Click on the icons below
for more information.

Rotating triple helix

 The Helix Energy System  is based upon the Triplehelix and is a proprietary system offered exclusively  by Temple's graduates.

OMega logo

  OMEGA is an unimaginably ancient system out of the Mystery Schools of Tibet, Egypt, India....

ReiKi kanji

Temple Academies Reiki honors Reiki's origins while it uses a newer design:  a clean uncomplicated delivery of this  healing art  yet  powerfully combining multiple Reiki lineages, especially a primary one previous to the Hayashi/Takata line.  Temple Reiki is considered to be especially vibrant and potent. 

 Temple Academies Logo

Locations for Classes

Mystery School image

We consider Temple Academies  to be a modern day, de-mystified Mystery School.  This is not a contradiction. The mystery schools of ancient times were called such, not because secrets were kept, but because the initiates experienced processes that could not be fully understood nor explained by the rational mind. Temple Academies classes and processes however, provide abundant opportunities to know, to reasonably understand, and to proficiently use the processes while gaining deeper understanding.  This is because all three sections of our body of work are based on the wonder of attunements.

We start the teaching with attunements, then follow with training in technique and professional workbooks and support documentation we are justifiably proud of.  The rest of the understanding then comes from time spent using and being 'in the energy' in a flow that comes as close as most humans can to being touched by the Divine.


Rosanne's books

Print Books

Energywork and Initiations (The confessions of an Energy Diva)

Energizing the Law of Attraction 

Traveling The Energy Body

Click on the book titles above to link to site for purchase of printed books.

click on the icons next to title below to download immediately. 

Energizing the Law of Attraction 
Energywork as Practice and Profession
Support independent publishing: Buy this e-book on Lulu.Traveling the Energy Body

Also available on Amazon.com for Kindle and in the iBookstore, search on book's title or Rosanne Fischer.

Magnetic Heart:


Magnetic heart- assists you in identifying and attracting the deepest desires of your heart. Catalyzing, soothing but magnetically alive! energies begin to flow immediately for aspiring healers.

Excerpts from the workbook that expand on the description:

The Magnetic Heart is a tool that illuminates the deepest desires of your heart while at the same time joyously showing you the way to attain that heart's desire. You will often read or hear the phrase "hold the space" in our classes. Magnetic Heart classes instruct in an intriguing non-doing form just how to do that.

You will come to understand, and more importantly experience the freedom that simply and effortlessly holding space for something new, for creating new paradigms in our lives and the lives of others can mean.

If the simple techniques taught in this class are employed on a regular basis, not with grim determination, but with light, lively and joyful anticipation, you will come to know that freedom.

This is the message of the Magnetic Heart. 

Energetically, there is something to be nourished, there is a tone to be struck, a divine pitch pipe to get in tune with so we can join in the song that God is singing and has been singing for a very long time. But there is nothing to be done except hold the space for perfection and nourish it, expect it, celebrate it. Await the arrival of the deepest desires  of your heart.

$250.00 ($225 with receipt from purchase of Rosanne's book)

ELOA Series Live Recordings
unique, unusual immediate access to not only the information but the energy itself, to support your own Attraction process.

First Session mp3 download: $4.95

Second Session $4.95

Remaining 4 sessions - $29.95

Full Set of 6 - $39.95

ELOA "Body" Series
(A little different format, more compact and includes  material with Alchemical effect of involving the 4 elements. A tiny bit rough, not as well edited as above set) - $24.95 

All purpose Cleanup & Tune Up using ELOA + other energies - $2.95